Friday, August 14, 2009

Happy 6 month Birthday plus many more pics

Due to many technical difficulties with my old laptop, I have been unable to blog for the past couple weeks. Thankfully, I now have a new very fun laptop and a bunch of photos to catch up on!

We have a great park here in town and love to stop by when we can. Joshua loves to see the older kids, hear the birds and watch the leaves blow on the trees.

Joshua continues to not sleep through the night. Most nights aren't too bad and I have gotten used to it. However, the lack of sleep does periodically catch up with me. On a Saturday morning a few weeks ago, my wonderful husband got up early with Joshua and closed our bedroom door, allowing me to sleep in. When I got up at 9:30am (whoo hoo), he and Joshua were making me breakfast. So nice!

Later that afternoon, we met Rebecca and Kevin for an early dinner at Pyramid Brewery in Berkeley. We had a lovely afternoon hanging out on the patio.

Joshua and Auntie Rebecca

Dave, Joshua, Rebecca and Kevin

Crazy family picture

On a Monday evening, Auntie Megan, Auntie Abby, Uncle Matt and friend Evan came over for a potluck at our house.

Joshua looks much bigger in Auntie Megan's arms these days.

Evan found a measuring tape so his Dad is telling him his height.

Alyson and Gabriel Shahkar came over for a play date. The boys are actually more interested in each other now.

Dave, Joshua and I went for a nice 2.75 mile loop around Lafayette Reservoir on a Sunday afternoon. Joshua was ok in the stroller for about half the trip and then he wanted out.

Much happier being upright.

Hanging with Daddy

On Wednesday August 5th, Dave, Kellie and Zachary (4 months) Span came to visit for a night. We had a great time catching up with them, even if it was a brief visit.
Happy Zachary

This was a late evening photo for Joshua who was a little grumpy past bedtime. :)

Cute pic of the boys

Last Saturday, Auntie Abby and Evan stopped by for lunch. I had a hard time capturing a picture of the two of them because of perpetual motion.

That afternoon we headed to Sausalito to hang out in the park with Kevin, Rebecca and many of their friends. It was a beautiful afternoon.

Rebecca holding 9 week old Greta

Last Sunday Joshua turned 6 months old. We celebrate by having brunch in Alamo and visiting Babies R Us. Joshua needs to start using a high chair as he is now ready for solids.

The McEwen boys

Joshua munching on his horse during brunch.

We had to top the celebration with special cupcakes from the Teabake Shoppe. We had one peanut butter and chocolate and one pink velvet cupcake. Joshua had to experience the taste vicariously obviously since he is not yet eating and certainly shouldn't start with sweets and peanuts. We enjoyed the celebration though!

Happy Birthday big boy!

On Tuesday, we visited the Pediatrician for his well baby check up and immunizations :( He was a trouper for sure.

He is now 15 lbs 10 oz and 27" long. He is 70% height and 16.95% weight. Tall and lean like Daddy!

Waiting for the doc

All smiles before the shots and thankfully again pretty quickly afterwards.