Saturday, October 31, 2009

A month of photos

Since this is such a long post, I am starting with the latest pictures first.

Daddy and our nanny, Dore, are always "walking" with Joshua. I think I am the only one who really doesn't want Joshua to walk early. We are heading to Florida over the holidays and a more mobile child is not necessarily good on a airplane. :)
Joshua and I had a very fun lunch on Friday with Auntie Joyce and baby Tyler.

Last Sunday was a beautiful day and we headed to the park. Joshua took his first ride in a baby swing. At first he wasn't sure, but then he decided that he liked it quite a lot.

Not sure what this face meant.

Joshua loves watching the older kids run around and ride their bikes while we sit on our blanket.

Our happy monkey.

Joshua sporting the hat Daddy got him while he was in Florida a while ago. Joshua doesn't seem to have any issue with keeping hats on which is nice.

Daddy and Joshua chilling.

While my parents were in town, we went to meet Dave for lunch on a Tuesday. We love going to the San Francisco Creamery in downtown Walnut Creek. Although we never seem to have room for ice cream, it is always a relaxing lunch spot.

Joshua and I ventured over to Hillsborough on a Friday to visit Joyce, Jeff, Madeline and baby Tyler.

Joshua really likes the jungle themed jumparoo that we are borrowing from Auntie Joyce. It makes animal sounds when he jumps.

On a Sunday night, we met Abby, Matt, Evan and Megan for dinner at Jupiter in Berkeley. It was a fun night of live music, pizza and beer.

Auntie Megan, Joshua and Daddy

Evan being as cute as ever.

September 26th was Dave's birthday. We celebrated by starting the day with mochas at a new place in Rockridge, the Bittersweet Cafe. The mochas were awesome!

One of Dave's presents was tickets for he and I to see Wicked the night of his birthday. Auntie Megan came over and watched Joshua while Dave and I had a great dinner in the city and enjoyed the show.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

A quick post

I am SO behind in blogging again (dang it!) that I decided to post just a couple of photos my parents sent us from their recent visit. I have a dream of doing some more posting this upcoming weekend!
Joshua and Tutu had lots of fun and laughs.

Joshua and G.G. playing with Joshua's Halloween pumpkin from Tutu and G.G. I am sure he is going to have lots of fun using it during his Halloween parade next Tuesday!

Joshua checking out his whale while relaxing in his bathtub.

A family photo my Dad took as Dave and I were heading out to dinner for our anniversary. We were very grateful to Tutu and G.G. for babysitting so that we could have a lovely and special evening out. Thank you!!