Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A month of fun

It has been one crazy busy month since my last post, so I thought I would add some pictures to show what we have been up to.

Upon turning six months, Joshua began eating solids. It has been a bit of a long, slow process, but he seems to be starting to get it. He is totally a fruit kid so far though and we often have a hard time getting him into the veggies. :)

Hello rice cereal.

A Sunday afternoon hanging with Auntie Megan.

Mid-August, Dave traveled to Florida to officiate his friend, Ki's wedding. Dave got ordained over the Internet by the Universal Life Church. He is now a minister in that church. :)
Dave, Ki and Clarence (Dave went to Junior High with these guys)

A few weeks ago, we hosted the dinner for 8 +3 gang. Madeline is about to be a big sister, so we had a mini-baby shower for Joyce and Jeff in anticipation of their son's arrival.
Joyce, Madeline and Joshua

Jeff, Dave and Chris manned the grill. We had a wonderful meal with great friends. It was a fun day!

Joyce and Madeline

The Shahkars - Shahien, Gabriel and Alyson

The Jungs - Laurel and Chris

A family photo

Grandma McEwen came out for a visit in August. Joshua really enjoyed spending time with her. On Sunday morning, we went to one of our favorite coffee houses for cherry mochas.

Charlene, Dave, Joshua and I went to the Cheesecake Factory in Walnut Creek for a mid-week lunch. Joshua was decked out in his Gator gear.

Daddy and Joshua out on the patio at lunch

Hanging out at home on a warm afternoon.

On Labor Day weekend, we traveled to see my parents, Marla and Gates in Las Vegas. Joshua is practicing his sitting on our bed before leaving for the airport. He isn't sitting on his own consistently yet, as he seems much more interested in standing with support versus sitting.

The cousins meet

Hanging out on the pool deck at my parents house. Joshua loved the heated pool. I think putting solar panels on our roof to heat our pool is moving up on the very long home improvement list of to dos.

G.G. and Joshua snuggling.

Joshua and I hanging out in our hotel

Dave and the boys

Daddy and Joshua chillin in bed at the hotel

Tutu and Joshua playing

McEwen boys

Two weeks ago we had a BBQ with the Caughlins. Michaela and I opted not to jump in the pool, but Dave and Mike ventured in.

For the past two Fridays, Joyce and I have gotten to be "Ladies who lunch" while she has been on maternity leave and Fridays are my days off. Joshua and I have had a great time coming into the city for very yummy food.

This past Saturday, we attended Emmet and Emily's wedding in the city. It was a beautiful and personal ceremony followed by an outstanding Chinese banquet dinner. We had so much fun catching up with our friends while we ate an outstanding ten course dinner. Thanks so much to Auntie Megan who babysat for Joshua!!

Our date night at the wedding

Lynna, Dave and Emmett dancing.

Daddy and Joshua hanging out on our bed before bath time.

The monkey in his monkey towel post bath