Friday, August 5, 2011

Hanging out with all the boys

More pictures of life around the house and the park.
Colin is getting pretty good at tummy time.  Shane is coming along but still hates it.

"Come on bro, it isn't that bad."

"I would much rather kick it in this position, thank you."

Joshua swinging in the "big boy" swing.

Colin happily snoozing at the park while I am feeding Shane.

We had our friends and neighbors, The Leach family, over for swimming and a BBQ.  Unfortunately I only pulled out the camera a few times.  I did capture Vivi and Joshua racing the halls on the plane and inch worm.  We all had a great time.

Go Vivi, go!

Gemma giving presents to Joshua and the little boys.

A typical situation at breakfast during the week where the little ones are in bouncy seats while Joshua and I (and often Dave too) have breakfast together.

Practicing sitting in the bumbo seats

Brother time

More under the sea exploration

Just being cute

Alyson came to meet the boys and hang out.  Shane enjoyed just sitting with her.

Being entertained by Mommy with hanging toys

Shane can be very attentive to faces

Colin with his totally endearing grin

McEwen boys heading out

"I need to give Colin a kiss"

"I love my brothers"

On a walk at Lafayette Reservoir

Joshua ready to head to the coffee house on a Sunday morning.  He got this hat as a big brother present from Karen and Kurt Rokala.  Thank you!!

Now that we have three kids, some people have asked us how we can get anything done.  Well, we are starting early with child labor in our house.  So far it is slow going. ;)