Tuesday, January 19, 2010

New Years in Jacksonville

We spent New Years in Jacksonville with Grandma and Grandpa McEwen. We traveled on the 30th arriving at the stroke of midnight Florida time. Joshua was a rock star on the plane and got a number of comments from other passengers about how good he had been. One couple even told us they didn't realize he was on the plane. Very nice! Sadly, I was really bad about pulling out the camera on this trip and missed a lot of photo opportunities with friends. We got to see many of Dave's old friends and their families. Joshua had a great time with Grandma and Grandpa and was quite intrigued with their two dogs and two cats since he is not used to being around animals.
Joshua hanging out with Grandma.

We did our second Christmas celebration on New Years Eve complete with present opening. I think Joshua is more fascinated with Honey the dog then opening presents.

We gave both of our parents pictures of Joshua and a family photo that we had professionally taken a month or two ago.

Opening presents becomes fascinating again.

Playing with new toys while Grady runs around in the background.

Chillin' with Daddy

One afternoon, we decided to get out and take Joshua to the downtown area to walk along the St. John's river and see the large water fountain. Joshua decided to crash in the car and stayed out throughout the walk. It was very cold and windy out and I didn't want to wake him up by putting his hat on, so I winged it and put a burp cloth on his head and tucked it around his ears. You do what you have to, right ?!?

Charlene, Dave and Ken at the Friendship fountain in downtown Jacksonville.

It doesn't look really cold, but I think it was in the high 30s on this day. Brrrr.

Grandma teaching Joshua a little piano.

We had dinner with Michelle and Amy which was a fun night.

Joshua with Auntie Amy.

Michelle, Dave, Joshua and Amy as we prepared to head outside and hangout by an outdoor firepit.

Family photo at the firepit

Joshua practicing his walking skills with Grandpa.
And then again with Grandma

The McEwen clan before we took off for the airport and a relatively smooth trip home.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Christmas time

To start off this Christmas post, I thought I would include a picture of Joshua's latest trick, pulling up and standing in the crib. If you go to the end of the post, you can watch a video of him jumping in the crib. Anytime our monkey can jump, he will.

Our Christmas tree on Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve family photo

Joshua was excited about all the paper

We let Joshua open one present on Christmas Eve before bath and bedtime. Although it doesn't look like it, this is a look of excitement.

Christmas morning. Tutu and G.G. sent Joshua his Christmas PJs. Admittedly, he didn't wear the hat to sleep. :)

Christmas morning brunch. We had sausage balls, margarita muffins (Dave's specialty), fruit dip and lots of fruit. Joshua joined us in bites of most of it and some baby food too!

Playing with his animal basketball set.

Oh boy, a truck that has a dog driving it that sings. This has been a big hit.

After a little down time and a nap, the present opening continued.

Our family photo before Christmas dinner.

Happy monkey. His Christmas outfit was a gift from Grandma and Grandpa.

All ready for Christmas dinner.

On Saturday, we mostly hung out around the house and played with all the new toys. It was a fun and relaxing Christmas weekend!

Joshua showing off his jumping skills.
Joshua crawled for the first time on Christmas Eve. I guess the presents were a big enough draw to get him moving.