Monday, May 17, 2010

More pictures and fun

Here is a picture from the Claremont brunch that I forgot to post. Love this picture of the most important males in my life!

A few weeks ago, Joyce and Tyler came over to visit. Joshua was thrilled to see Tyler and kept trying to engage him.

The monkey LOVES to see picture of himself.

We recently got a play yard and foam mats for outside so the monkey can come and hang out under the umbrella while Dave and I work on the yard or the pool. It was really fun to be outside on this beautiful day.

The monkey even got to eat outside. Can you tell he ate sweet potatoes?

Mommy's hat is quite a fun toy.

On Mother's Day, we started off at our favorite coffee house for breakfast.

Both squirrels were immediately in front of the big window which was thrilling for Joshua.

Here is my beautiful bouquet from the boys.

Love the kisses.

Joshua got me this card and a CD of Journey songs done in lullaby form. A great thing for the car. We got the U2 CD from Joyce when Joshua was first born. To this day, when Joshua is upset in the car, we can put on "his music" and he calms down very quickly.

We ventured to Alameda to J.L. Quinn's Lighthouse for a late lunch. Joshua loved seeing the boats and all the lighthouse and ship collectibles around the restaurant.

This past Saturday morning, this is what we woke up to in our front yard when opening the curtains. We certainly do live in the country now.

Joshua was awestruck.

On Saturday, we traveled to Redwood City to celebrate Annika and Joey Gottshalls' first birthdays.
Here Joshua is playing with the birthday girl.

Happy Birthday, Annie!

Happy Birthday, Joey!

Joey decided that chillin on Dave's lap was very good.

We all loved being outside in the warm sunshine.

Getting the birthday cupcakes. Annie loved it and was all over hers. Joey on the other hand just flipped his away and started to cry. Poor guy was tired.

Joshua the future athlete in his publicity pose. :)

Nicely giving Jack the ball. These guys were cute together.

Joshua liked the cake part of the cupcake very much. We didn't give him a chance to find out about the frosting part.

He loved being pulled around the yard in the wagon.

Ella and Jack joined the ride making it harder work for Dave. ;)

On Sunday, we headed to San Jose to have a backyard BBQ at the Haynes new home. It was such a fun afternoon and Joshua enjoyed playing with Evan. Unfortunately, I totally forgot to pull out my camera until we were leaving and Evan was already down for his nap. Thanks for a lovely afternoon Haynes family!
Megan and Abby.

Matt, Dave, Joshua and Abby

A family photo with the Haynes home in the background.

Tonight Rebecca stopped by our house as she had a meeting in the east bay. Joshua thought Rebecca was a lot of fun and very entertaining.

Rebecca was great to get down and play with him including using his puppets. Thanks for visiting Auntie Rebecca! Come again soon!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

A catch up post

After a long hiatus from posting, here are some pictures from the last couple of months. It has been a whirlwind spring to date. I changed jobs and am now at a clinic which is 15 minutes from home. At the same time, our nanny was out of the country for 6 weeks. For the first week, I took time off and traveled to Vegas. The following week, Grandma Charlene came out for 2.5 weeks to take care of Joshua. After that, Tutu and G.G. came out to hang with Joshua for another 2.5 weeks. We were very grateful for all the help and visits. Joshua loved spending time with everyone!

Joshua and I traveled to Las Vegas to Tutu and G.G.'s house for a few days while Dave traveled back east for a conference.

Joshua loves his Tutu

While in Vegas, Joshua and I visits his Great Grammy J.

On a beautiful afternoon, we took a walk with Joshua in Rockridge.

We love to have lunch with Auntie Joyce and baby Tyler whenever possible. Here we met up in the city for lunch at Savor. Yum!
Giving Auntie Joyce kisses
Picture perfect

While Grandma was here, we visited some wineries in Livermore.

The week before Easter, the Lamorinda Moms Club had a Easter party complete with an egg hunt. We had a great time and Joshua definitely got into the egg hunt.

They had real bunnies for the kids to pet.

Here is Joshua checking out his loot after the egg hunt

One of the eggs he picked up was a golden egg which has a gift certificate for a prize. He won this toy which was a bear in a boat he can pull around the house.

On Easter Sunday, Grandma, Daddy, Joshua and I headed out for brunch at Squirrels cafe in Lafayette.

Joshua was excited about his Easter basket and presents. His Easter eggs were stuffed with puffs and yogurt melts.

The Easter bunny was a gift from Tutu and G.G.

Although he has definitely put on some weight, our monkey continues to be a skinny guy.

While my parents were in town, we had a lovely early Mother's Day brunch at the Claremont Resort. It was a wonderful and fun brunch. Joshua was all dressed up and was such a great brunch companion.

A family photo in the lobby.

The little flirt in action. This kid is going to have game. What am I saying. This kid HAS game. Watch out!

Happy after brunch.

Bath time is so fun these days that often the monkey has no interest in getting out.