Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Avon walk and a visit from the Carlsons

No time like the present to start on a series of catch up blogs.
Megan and I finished our 4th Avon walk on the weekend of July 9 and 10th. We spent Friday night at the Weston on Union Square and rose around 4:30 am to catch the shuttle to the start to the walk. The route was different this year from our previous walks. The good thing about that was that the organizers put a lot of effort into walking more in the city and hitting most every neighborhood. The not so good thing is that they miss marked the route the first day and we actually walked close to 29 miles versus the 26.2 it was supposed to be. Megan and I had a good walk and were pleased that even with our decreased training this time around, our bodies faired pretty well. We completed the 39.3...make that 42 miles and were so glad to be a part of such an important event. The event raised 5.5 million dollars. We met some interesting and inspiring women (and men too) along the way. Great weekend!

Dave and Joshua joined us at the closing ceremony, bringing us flowers and taking both of us home.

Mid July, my friend and college roommate, Wendy came up from southern California with her Mom, Carol, for a visit. It was great to see them both and spend some time together. Unfortunately, Joshua was sick and running fevers during the visit, so we weren't as active as we might have been. However, we did get some nice hang out and catch up time.

Auntie Wendy and Joshua with the present Wendy and Carol brought for him.
Joshua loved his present of trucks that he is able to push and they run down the hall.

The fastest way to make Joshua your friend is to read to him. This kid LOVES books.

On Saturday, we took a picnic to Tilden park and took a nice walk.

On Saturday night, Carol treated Wendy and I to a lovely dinner in Lafayette where we sat outside on the patio at Yankee Pier. Wendy and I both had seared ahi. YUM!

On Sunday morning, we had brunch outside. After brunch, Dave and Joshua stuck their feet in the pool for a bit.

Photo op before Carol and Wendy went on to Monterey.

A smile with Auntie Wendy.