Sunday, October 9, 2011

September 2011

As if there is ever a month that doesn't, September FLEW!  I am now just getting a chance to put up some pictures and videos.  Life continues to get more and more exciting.  The little boys turned 5 months old on Friday!
Joshua is ready for school including toting his monkey lunch box.

Monkey and his Daddy

My parents came to visit for about 10 days which was really fun for everyone.  Here Joshua and Tutu are enjoying a snicker doddle.  That is what Tutu calls Joshua so it is only fitting that Tutu and G.G. bought the cookies for the monkey.

We finally gave in to the minivan and I have to say, it is a nice ride. :)  We sold Dave's car in two days which was really nice.  According to Joshua, we now have Mommy's new car and Mommy's old car.  Guess Daddy won't get to have his car until the next car purchase. :)

Joshua having breakfast with Mommy and Daddy.  This is probably the last picture in his high chair as he has now graduated to a booster seat at the big table and is loving it.
The Jungs came for a visit while my parents where here and we had a really fun time hanging out with all the kids and adults.
G.G. and Nikko bonding.

Tutu and Juliana

Colin playing in the bumbo seat.


Shaney's inquisitive look.

"What are you doing, bro?"

Smiley little man :)

Colin post bath

Shaney in the exersaucer

A few weeks ago, while nursing the boys, I looked out our front window to see these guys staring back at me.

Love having wildlife around our house.  The only bummer was that monkey wasn't home to see too.

Shaney has began "talking" a lot more recently.  Typically it is more like yelling. :)

Colin loves to chew on his bottom lip.

Joshua loves to help wherever and whenever he can.  Here he is helping Daddy water plants.

This is the look you get when you ask Joshua to smile for the camera these days.

Tyler Yung's 2nd Birthday party

Joshua had a great time with the t-ball, soccer ball and net, swing set, and bouncy house.

Dave turned 41 on September 26th.  We had a relatively quiet birthday for him this year, but I did surprise him with a birthday dinner on Sunday night with the Caughlins.  We had two different fondues with meat, all kinds of veges, apples and bread to dunk.  It was a fun evening.  I wish I had gotten pictures of Stella and Joshua too. :)
Michaela, Mike and Dave

The homemade birthday cake.  Nothing fancy, but it was good!

Once the candles were lit on the cake, Joshua backed way up.  He helped blow out the candles from way back there.

We borrowed a jump-a-roo from Auntie Joyce and both boys are really enjoying it.

I think I surprised Shaney in taking this picture.
Colin (taken by Tutu)

Shane (also taken by Tutu)

Opening Daddy's birthday presents

One more try for a good picture.

Shaney's favorite position these days.

Our little flirt.

Here are a few videos of the little boys to get an idea of their current developmental stages.  Their personalities come out more every day.  For the most part, they are happy little guys.  We are truly blessed with all three of our boys!!